-> Free MCQ Quiz on CVP Analysis 1

Free MCQ Quiz on CVP Analysis 1

MCQ Quiz on CVP Analysis

CVP Analysis | Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis | MCQ QUIZ 

MCQ Quiz on CVP Analysis
    Following are the Multiple Choice Questions relating to CVP analysis concept.

Mcq Quiz on CVP Analysis

For study notes click here 👉 CVP Analysis Theory
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MCQ. 1) CVP analysis means

  1. Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
  2. Core-Volume-Profit Analysis
  3. Cost-Volt-Profit Analysis
  4. Cost-Volume-Prefer Analysis
MCQ. 2) In the term of CVP, C means
  1. Core
  2. Costing
  3. Correlated
  4. Cost
MCQ. 3) In the term of CVP, V means
  1. Volt
  2. Volume
  3. Both
  4. None of these
MCQ. 4) In the term of CVP, P means
  1. Prefer
  2. Profit
  3. Performa
  4. Prepare
MCQ. 5) Cost volume profit analysis is the most important tool  of profit determination
  1. True 
  2. False
  3. Both
  4. None of above
For study notes click here 👉 CVP Analysis Theory
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MCQ. 6) Cost Volume Profit analysis highlights effect of changes in volume, cost, price and product mix  on the organizations profit.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. Both
  4. None of above
MCQ. 7) Cost volume Profit analysis is a broader study of 
  1. BEP analysis
  2. Break Even Point analysis
  3. Both
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 8) Cost volume profit analysis is essential for developing ________budget equations.
  1. Fixed
  2. Flexible
  3. Both
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 9) Cost Volume Profit analysis is an extension of _______costing.
  1. Marginal 
  2. Non Marginal
  3. Standard
  4. All
MCQ. 10) CVP analysis is based on how cost respond to changes in ______levels.
  1. Input
  2. Output
  3. Both
  4. None of the above
For study notes click here 👉 CVP Analysis Theory
| Free MCQ QUIZ on CVP Analysis 1 is available after the end of all mcqs 👇 |
MCQ. 11)CVP analysis is also known as
  1. BEP analysis
  2. Standard Analysis
  3. Profit Analysis
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 12) BEP means
  1. High Profit and Less Loss
  2. Less Profit and High Profit
  3. No Profit and No Loss
  4. Less Profit and Less loss
MCQ. 13) CVP analysis requires
  1. Manufacture cost
  2. Selling cost
  3. Administrative cost
  4. All
MCQ. 14) CVP analysis is planning tool analysis inherent relationship between
  1. Price-Cost Structure-Volume-Profit
  2. Cost Structure-Volume-Profit-Price
  3. Cost Structure-Profit-Price-Volume
  4. All of the above
MCQ. 15) “The study of the effects on future profit of changes in fixed cost, variable cost, sales price, quantity and mix” this definition is given by
  1. CIMA
  2. Ahmend Belkooni
  3. Nagy
  4. Schmiedicke

Cost-volume-profit analysis questions and answers quizlet

For study notes click here 👉 CVP Analysis Theory
| Free MCQ QUIZ on CVP Analysis 1 is available after the end of all mcqs 👇 |
MCQ. 16) CVP analysis is a more useful diagnostic tool
  1. True
  2. False
  3. both 
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 17) CVP analysis tool is static tool with very limited practical application
  1. True
  2. False
  3. both 
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 18) CVP analysis is not useful for analyzing the risk implication of alternative actions.
  1. True
  2. False
  3. both 
  4. None of the above
MCQ. 19) In CVP analysis concept “Selling Price does not change with the volume changes” is a 
  1. Merit
  2. Demerit
  3. Assumption
  4. Advantages
MCQ. 20) CVP analysis tool is useful in marketing strategies also
  1. True
  2. False
  3. both 
  4. None of the above
For study notes click here 👉 CVP Analysis Theory
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