-> Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ

Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ

 Communication MCQ Quiz 2

Communication MCQ Quiz 2

Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ is below 👇

    The Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ is based on various MCQ on Communication in various language with translate button.
    This quiz consist 40 MCQ. 
    I hope, MCQ Quiz platform provides to you a knowledge regarding Communication knowledge and their some important terms with the helps following quiz.  
    It also helps to preparation on online MCQ based exam like competitive exams and others university or college exams, NET exam , SET exam and other entrance exams. 
    We are published a Communication MCQ Quiz series for practicing your study. You can translate a quiz into your understandable language with the help of Translate button which shown at the right side of post.
    This Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ covers a following questions / topics regarding communication terms
1. Which of the three components are parts of the human communication process?
(a) Message, recording and feedback.
(b) Noise, feedback and jargon.
(c) Message, noise and feedback.
(d) Feedback, message and critiquing.
2. Words are
(a) Connotative 
(b) Denotative
(c) Symbols 
(d) Unnecessary
3. Emoticons are
(a) Emotional conference
(b) Specifically expressive bodily gestures
(c) Emotional queries
(d) Typed symbols that communicate facial expressions
4. In the communication process, ‘to encode’ means to
(a) Translate ideas into a code.
(b) Interpret a code.
(c) Block a pathway between the sender and receiver of
a message.
(d) Speak to large groups of people.
5. A person is more likely to use eye contact while
(a) Listening
(b) Uninterested in communication
(c) Speaking
(d) Interpreting
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
6. Feedback is
(a) A situation in which the sender and the receiver
exchange information.
(b) Confined to the verbal form of communication.
(c) Confined to the written form of communication.
(d) None of the above
7. Listening is said to be adversely affected by
(a) Speaker’s fast speed of delivery of words.
(b) Message loaded with too much of information.
(c) Improper selection and use of media.
(d) All the above
8. Which of the following terms is closely related to
(a) Brainstorming 
(b) Heuristics
(c) Cybernetics 
(d) None of the above
9. Feedback is a listener’s
(a) Verbal critique of your message.
(b) Acceptance of a message.
(c) Verbal or non-verbal responses to a message.
(d) Aversion to a message.
10. When we try to organize details in our minds, we are
seeking to
(a) Produce new ideas in our mind.
(b) Process complex information and then categorize it.
(c) Categorize difficult and easy pieces of information.
(d) Process simple information and cat egorize.
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
11. To decode a message is to
(a) Evaluate a message 
(b) Translate ideas into code
(c) Reject a message 
(d) Interpret a message
12. A message is a signal that serves as
(a) Stimuli for a sender
(b) Stimuli for a receiver
(c) Stimuli for a mass audience
(d) Noise reduction
13. The objective definition of a word is its
(a) Indirect meaning
(b) Connotative meaning
(c) Denotative meaning
(d) Direct meaning
14. The subjective meaning of a word is its
(a) Denotative meaning
(b) Indirect meaning
(c) Antonym
(d) Connotative meaning
15. Which of the following explains feedback?
(a) Non-verbal communication only
(b) Environmental noise
(c) Verbal and non-verbal receiver responses
(d) Verbal communication only
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
16. For which of the following word/s, the term ‘ chronemics’
is used for interpretation of messages?
(a) Smell 
(b) Taste
(c) Time 
(d) All of the above
17. In the communication process, a receiver
(a) Is a channel.
(b) Decodes a message.
(c) Is the person who encodes an idea.
(d) Responsible for message interference.
18. An example of a communication channel is
(a) Noise
(b) Context
(c) Face-to-face conversation
(d) Feedback
19. The way one interprets information around oneself is
(a) Always negative
(b) Always positive
(c) Related to one’s values, beliefs and past experiences.
(d) None of the above
20. Listening
(a) May be a complex process involving many steps.
(b) Is always reflexive.
(c) A natural habit.
(d) A physiological process occurring in a spontaneous manner.
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
21. The responding step of listening
(a) Is non-verbal.
(b) Depends upon human memory.
(c) Can be verbal or non-verbal.
(d) Is always verbal.
22. One of the most important communication skills is
(a) Active listening 
(b) Objective listening
(c) Passive listening 
(d) Inactive listening
23. A technique that might be used by an active listener is to
(a) Paraphrase the speaker’s meaning.
(b) Express concern.
(c) Explain the speaker’s meaning.
(d) Offer a view point when in conversation.
24. Effective listening includes
(a) Filtering out points of disagreement.
(b) Detailed analysis.
(c) Attaching subjective meaning to a message.
(d) Confirming one’s understanding of a message.
25. A classification of body movements is called
(a) Emblems 
(b) Non-verbal
(c) Displays 
(d) Kinesics
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
26. Movements of the face that convey emotional meanings
are called
(a) Displays 
(b) Emblems
(c) Eye contact 
(d) None of the above
27. Touch is an important element in
(a) Business communication
(b) Interpersonal communication
(c) Intrapersonal communication
(d) None of the above
28. Which of the following are parts of active listening?
(a) Eye contact 
(b) Nodding
(c) Seeking clarification 
(d) All the above
29. Evaluative listening is successful when we
(a) Accurately distinguish stimuli in a message.
(b) Infer the meaning of a message.
(c) Critically assess the accuracy of facts stated in a
(d) None of the above
30. An effective communication does not require
[June 1997, June 2001]
(a) Change in speech pattern
(b) Appropriate gestures
(c) Mastery of content
(d) Handsome personality
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
31. One will be an effective communicator if one
[December 1997]
(a) Is a humorous speaker.
(b) Has histrionic talents.
(c) Is very clear about what one communicates.
(d) Communicates in one’s mother tongue.
32. Effective communication will make the receivers
[December 1997]
(a) Enjoy it 
(b) Accept it
(c) Pass it on to others 
(d) Think about it
33. Communication will be effective [June 1998]
(a) If it is delivered slowly and clearly.
(b) If it is delivered in a calm situation.
(c) If it reaches the receiver completely.
(d) If it reaches the receiver as intended by the sender.
34. Which of the following steps would you consider first for
an effective communication? [December 1999]
(a) Select the channel of communication.
(b) Plan the evaluation procedure.
(c) Specify the objectives of communication.
(d) Identify various media for communication.
35. Which is ‘feedback’ in newspaper’s communication?
[December 1999]
(a) Articles 
(b) Editorials
(c) Letters to the Editor 
(d) News
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ
36. Which of the following is not a successful
(a) One who presents material in a precise and clear
(b) One who is able to adopt himself/herself according
to the language of the communicatee.
(c) One who knows a lot but is somewhat reserve in his/
her attitude.
(d) One who sometimes becomes informal before the
receiver and develops rapport.
37. The most important aspect of communication, i.e., listening
can be improved by 
(a) Making the attention fully paid.
(b) Making the communicated material novelinteresting
and need based.
(c) Making voice effective and impressive.
(d) All the above
38. The process of communication is enhanced through
[June 2003]
(a) Belongingness
(b) Security and freedom to make choices
(c) Information of meeting and avoidance of pressure
(d) All the above
39. Two-way communication becomes effective
[December 2003]
(a) Never 
(b) Always
(c) Rarely 
(d) None of the above
40. Effective communication takes place when
(a) Source is attractive and authoritarian.
(b) Message design incorporates audience.
(c) Modern communication technologies are used.
(d) Receivers are passive components.

Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ answekey is below

1. (c)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (a)
6. (a)
7. (d)
8. (c)
9. (c)
10. (b)
11. (d)
12. (b)
13. (c)
14. (d)
15. (c)
16. (c)
17. (b)
18. (c)
19. (c)
20. (a)
21. (c)
22. (a)
23. (a)
24. (d)
25. (d)
26. (a)
27. (b)
28. (d)
29. (d)
30. (d)
31. (c)
32. (d)
33. (d)
34. (c)
35. (c)
36. (c)
37. (d)
38. (d)
39. (b)
40. (b)
Communication MCQ Quiz 2 Free MCQ answekey

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